I wanted to share some business resources that we have found particularly valuable for assisting entrepreneurs. Whether you are starting a new business or have been in business for awhile, these resources can assist you as you launch or grow your business.
Club Entrepreneur or Club-E– Last week, I had the opportunity to meet with Peter Burns, III, who is the founder of the Entrepreneur Club or E-Club. Peter lives and breathes all things entrepreneurial! He launched the first Club Entrepreneur in February 2007. Club E Network is an association of entrepreneurs, which started with Burns’ initial 19 students from the Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University. It has since grown to over 7000 members nationwide, 3500 in Arizona alone, and is the largest network of entrepreneurs in the country. Club E Office is a co-working office environment where entrepreneurs are encouraged to collaborate, share and grow. Through Club E Office, Burns offers entrepreneurs access to educational opportunities and resources through professional consultations, workshops, seminars and other events. Club E Exchange is a barter network that enables business owners to better manage their inventory and capacity while developing new business through a non-cash revenue exchange of products or services. For more information about getting involved in his entrepreneurial network, visit http://www.clubeoffice.com/index.htm.
ASBA (Arizona Small business Association) – ASBA is a non-profit organization that’s goal is to provide professional business services, education and networking opportunities to help Arizona businesses save money, make money and create opportunities. They offer classes and workshops for both members and non-members and have been ranked as the number one professional association by The Business Journal’s Book of Lists from 2004-2008.
Contact Information:
Michelle Reynolds, Member Services Manager
mreynolds@asba.com (Best way to contact her)
Phone: 602.306.4000
SBDC (Small Business Development Center) -An innovative partnership between the state’s community college districts, the MicroBusiness Advancement Center and the U.S. Small Business Administration. The network is the largest and most accessible source of assistance to Arizona businesses. They provide one-on-one confidential counseling, low cost seminars and workshops, online seminars and live webinars. An example of one of their workshops is Business Launch, which is a two hour workshop designed to help you evaluate your business idea. The course covers the basic information needed to start a business, how to do a feasibility study to determine if the idea can fly and tips for business success. SBDC is another great resource to you create a firm foundation to launch and grow your business.
Find the closest location to you
Economic Development Departments – Getting involved with the Economic Development Department in your city is crucial to obtaining valuable resources and contacts. Their job is to make it easier for business owners and entrepreneurs to find the answers that they are looking for. Contact the Economic Development Department in
in the city in which you are operating your business or intend to start your business. Below are a three departments that we have recently worked with and they would love to hear from you.
Scottsdale Economic Development Department
Contact Information:
Rachel Busch, Economic Vitality Specialist
Phone: 480.312.2311
Email: rbusch@ScottsdaleAZ.gov
Phoenix Economic Development Department
Contact Information:
Karen Decarlo, Resource Development Specialist
Phone: 602.262.8635
Email: KDeCarlo@gpec.org
Chandler Economic Development Department
Contact Information:
James Smith, Business Development Specialist
Phone: 480.782.3033
Email: James.Smith@chandleraz.gov
Wishing you continued success from the team at AZBusinessResource.com!
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Tagged as:ASBA, business organizations, business resources, club E, Entrepreneurship, professional consultations, SBDC