Prepare Company Minutes |
It is very important to hold regular company meetings and document important actions taken by the Company and the reasons for those actions. Minutes are simply a summary of what happened at a meeting and define the reason for taking the company action; they do not have to be a verbatim account of the meeting. Failing to keep accurate minutes can expose your personal assets to satisfy the Company’s obligations. You should also review the following information on Company Minutes and the risk for failing to maintain Minutes. For a sample of the contents of the package, please click here.We have done our homework and can promise you it is the most thorough package available for your company’s needs. We have two packages for you to choose from to best fit your company needs and budget. Creating your Company’s Minutes is as easy as 1-2-3! STEP 1 – Log-in and review the Process Overview: We’ll give you an overview of the process of creating Company Minutes so you know what to expect. STEP 2 – Purchase the Services: Pay quickly and securely through our online system. The details of the package options are provided below. STEP 3 – Complete the Checklist: Complete our Checklist that identifies the actions taken by the Company that you want to document. Based on the package you purchased, fill out your own Minutes template or return the completed Checklist to our office and we will prepare your Minutes for you.