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Customer Service Sequel – A Very Effective Use of Social Media

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I am pleased to write a follow up post to my customer service article that I posted yesterday – The Tale of Two Organizations.  I had described two very different customer service examples that I had experienced – one with Cox Communication and one with SRP.  After posting the article, I sent a couple of tweets on the post.  One tweet included the twitter handle for both Cox and SRP.  Both SRP and Cox demonstrated an effective use of social media for their organizations.  Both organizations monitored the twitter post and were responsive to me.

Within two hours of my post, SRP replied and thanked me for the information and were glad they could help me.  Cox also replied within a day, apologized and wanted to work with me to remedy the challenges I had.  I was impressed with both organizations and their commitment to use social media to be responsive to their customers and to feedback.

Are you using social media in your organization?  Have you put a game plan together to determine how you can use it to effectively get out your message and monitor customer feedback?

This is a great example of how an organization effectively used social media to turn a negative customer experience into a positive one.  Your customers are vocal and if you’re listening, their talking.  Tap into the mediums available to you to share your message and monitor your customer’s needs and feedback.  You will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.

Thank you to both Cox and SRP!!

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