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Safety in the Workplace – Creating Safety Policies

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Workers Comp Safety Policy

Does your business have a written safety policy in place?  It’s not only beneficial for your organization, it opens the lines of communication with your employees to create an open forum to address safety issues internally and externally.  It’s helpful for new employee training and ongoing training for existing employees.  An effective policy also can lead to lower the costs of your workers’ comp coverage.

How do you create such a policy when your plate is already overflowing with work?  Here’s SCF Arizona to the rescue.  If you are a member of SCF Arizona, the state’s largest workers’ compensation insurance company, then you have access to their free Safety Template Checklist.   SCF policyholders can use the step-by-step guide, which is conveniently divided into 6 parts, to write a safety plan.  The template covers the following areas:

1.  Responsibilities

2.  Hazard Recognition

3.  Training

4.  Tools and Analysis

5.  Accident Analysis

6.  Safety Committee

Additionally, SCF has Loss Control Consultants who can assist you as you create your safety policy. You can jump start your efforts by attending the SCF Arizona’s Safety Works Expo which will be held June 24, 2010 from 8:15 to 3:45 at the Fiesta Inn Resort in Tempe.  Registration for the day is a $59 and it includes breakfast and lunch. This is a bargain and will provide you with a day of educational seminars for employers, safety professionals and workers.  For more information and to register, visit their website at SCF Safety Expo.

For more information about safety polices and assistance, visit the SCF website at

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