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The Art of Writing Thank You Notes

Thank you note
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Thank You Notes

In this day of electronic wizardry, I realize the idea of physically writing a thank you note may sound dreadfully old fashioned.   Guilty as charged.  While I embrace technology and am probably ahead of many of my legal peers in my use of technology and social media, I am still very old fashioned when it comes to hand-written note cards.

I am a firm believer, and zealous advocate, of writing note cards for a variety of purposes.  I love using a handwritten notecard to share sentiments such as “Thank you,” “Congratulations,” and importantly – “Don’t give up.”  Since everyone else is using email, texts, Facebook, etc., there is something special about receiving a hand-written note card.  It stands apart from the cluttered barrage of emails in the inbox and it lets the recipient know that you care more than the average person because you took the time to write, prepare and send a personalized note.

If you want to set yourself apart from your competition, care more about the people in your network.  Send them personalized notes to congratulate them for a recent promotion, winning a new client, joining a new board – the options are endless.  Here are some tips from my playbook.

I start with a wide variety of note cards that I can use for any occasion and for any person. Some of my cards are simply monogrammed, some have inspirational sayings, some are bright and bold and some are whimsy.

Variety of Note Cards

Along the vein of making the recipient feel special, I have purchased a large variety of windowed message cards – something for every occasion.  The cards are created by Compendium, Inc. (they create a diverse line of creative, inspirational products) and I buy them at Changing Hands Bookstore, my favorite Tempe independent bookstore.  These little cards have encouraging words on the outside of the card, such as “I believe in you”, “Reach for the Stars,” “Whatever it takes,” “Thank you,” etc.  Then, you open the top flap and there is a message on the inside.  You can write a personalized note on the back of the card.  I include one of these with my note cards to give it the extra personal touch.

Compendium’s Window Cards

I handwrite the recipient’s address on my envelopes and use create return address labels. For the holidays, my return address label has my address and my holiday wish for the recipient: “May Your Holidays Sparkle!”

Finally, because I am an old soul with a love of the Renaissance, I have a wax stamp that I use to seal my envelopes.  I generally use gold wax and I have a couple of stamps, both of which are my initial.

Wax Stamp Seal

If you take the time to personalize your connection with your clients, associates, and network, the efforts will be lasting and you will be rewarded by staying on the top of the memory list if a need comes your way. And you can have the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference in someone’s day.

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