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The Search For Life Purpose- Part Four

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Today is the final posting on this particular life purpose series.  In part 3, for those who were ready to step up, rip off their facades and take an honest look at their lives, we fully explored looking at where we are in life and designing where we want to be.   We decided that we are not defined by the roles that we play, but rather by what is important to us as human beings.   I started this week playing the role of an attorney and finished it as a passionate, creative and inspiring human being who wants to help the world find peace and hope.  While I may not be able to move to the Mid East and help negotiate a peace accord, I can use my life and my blog to inspire others, to encourage others to dare to dream and put an action plan in place to reach the dream.  I can forgive those who have wronged me to start the compassion and healing in my own life that can serve as a catalyst to find compassion on a larger scale and seek to find a way to heal the centuries of violence, anger and hatred that have consumed countries and people who have never known any other existence than survival.

One day, I hope to find a more direct and international means to make a difference in a world that needs help finding peace and inspiration.  Until then, I’ll find my ways to make a difference using any means of creativity and innovation that I can find.  And always, it will start with me.  If I want peace, then it has to start in my own home and heart.  If I want more compassion in the world, then I have to embrace compassion.  I value integrity above all, so I strive to find these goals with authenticity and commitment to an ideal bigger than me.

Finally, in an effort to help each of us remain on track and ending with a tool from the guidance of Maria Shriver, it’s time to create a pledge to ourselves and to our goals.  In her book, she ended with 10 pledges to guide her journey.  I love her first pledge:  “I pledge to ‘show up’ in my life as myself, not as an imitation of anyone else.”  I love it – no imitations allowed!  So what are your pledges to keep you on purpose?  Here is a sample of my pledges:

I pledge to live by my mission statement which is to empower and inspire others to believe in the power of their dreams and help them turn their dreams into reality.

I pledge to create and maintain a business filled with passion and purpose that allows my authentic self to be expressed to help others.

I pledge to work out 5 days a week with a balance of cardio, weight training and yoga to maintain balance, fitness and a mental edge.

I encourage each of you to spend some quality time and create 10 pledges that will guide you on your journey.  Write them boldly and display them in a place of prominence in your home or office to keep you on target to create a life on purpose.

If you’ve followed all 4 parts of this series and taken action on each, congratulations!  Your life will surely reflect your resolve and dedication!  I would love to hear your success stories so if you want to share, e-mail me at

Here’s to discovering who you will be!

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